As a leading SEO company on Long Island and for the entire state of New York, BeeSeen Solutions works with dozens of clients to formulate a customized strategy. From the start of a campaign, we collaborate with clients to discuss their ranking priorities. We ask them which phrases are the most popular and and high demand in their respective industries. This conversation usually happens via our Onboarding document and during an Onboarding call.
Clients typically provide 10 to 15 keywords that will, in their opinion, deliver the most traffic to their website, and as a result the most conversions. Receiving and discussing these keyword opportunities is the first step of BeeSeen’s keyword research process. During the initial conversation, we will learn a bit more about the client’s background and goals, and how they apply to these phrases.
But an initial keyword list is not the end-all, be-all of a BeeSeen SEO campaign. We understand that any successful digital marketing strategy is a combination of the client’s industry knowledge and our marketing knowledge. So, after an initial onboarding conversation, we get to work with in-depth keyword research. Using tools from Google, our team assesses the most popular search phrases in a target area. Sometimes, these phrases are completely different from those provided by the client, and other times, they match up perfectly. Our goal is to drive the most conversions possible to a website. Even if a phrase is popular, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will convert.
Using years of experience in SEO and digital marketing, the Long Island team at BeeSeen Solutions builds a keyword list that will bring the best results for our clients. We strive for a collaborative approach during this process, and are happy to discuss our strategy with any potential clients. Reach out to learn more!